
The High Energy Diet! You Need Carbs, Proteins And Fats To Lose Weight The Healthy Way And Still Get On The Go Each Day【電子書籍】[ Andrew Jardine ]





<p>The High Energy Diet! explains why all you need is a balanced diet to lose weight the healthy way. You need carbs, proteins and fats for energy. Forget about the faddish high-protein and high-fat diets. Your body also needs good carbs like you get from pasta, brown rice and even vegetables and fruits. Good carbs release energy slowly unlike bad carbs such as sugars, chocolates and pastry, which don't. Eat bad carbs and you'll be hungry again soon afterward. Make sure that you keep your food intake down. Four small meals a day will do the trick.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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